Gaining New Insights Into Materials Properties using Data Science

Abhishek Kumar Singh

1 Materials Research Centre, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore 560012 INDIAINDIA

EXTENDED ABSTRACT: Data driven machine learning methods in materials science are emerging as one of the promising tools for expanding the discovery domain of materials to unravel useful knowledge. In the first of this talk, the power of these methods will be illustrated by covering three major aspects, namely, development of prediction models, establishment of hidden connections and scope of new algorithmic developments. For the first aspect, we have developed accurate prediction models for various computationally expensive physical properties such as band gap, band edges and lattice thermal conductivity. The prediction model for band gap and band edges are developed on 2D family of materials -MXene, which are very promising for a wide range of electronic to energy applications, which rely on accurate estimation of band gap and band edges. These models are developed with GW level accuracy, and hence can accelerate the screening of desired materials by estimating the band gaps and band edges in a matter of minutes. For the lattice thermal conductivity prediction model, an exhaustive database of bulk materials is prepared. By employing the high-throughput approach, several ultra-low and ultra- high lattice thermal conductivity compounds are predicted. The property map is generated from the high-throughput approach and four simple features directly related to the physics of lattice thermal conductivity are proposed. The performance of the model is far superior than the physics-based Slack model, highlighting the simplicity and power of the proposed machine learning models. For the second aspect, we have connected the otherwise independent electronic and thermal transport properties. The role of bonding attributes in establishing this relationship is unraveled by machine learning. An accurate machine learning model for thermal transport properties is proposed, where electronic transport and bonding characteristics are employed as descriptors. In the third aspect, we have proposed a new algorithm to develop highly transferable prediction models. The approach is named as guided patchwork kriging, which is applied for prediction of lattice thermal conductivity. In the second part of my talk, I will discuss the application of ML applied to establish the structure-property relations in alloys and catalysis.

Keywords: Machine Learning; Physics Learned Descriptors; Functional Materials


1 .Chemistry of Materials 30, 4031, 2019

2.   Chemistry of Materials, 31, 5145,2019

3.   Journal of Materials Chemistry A 8, 8716,2020

4.    Journal of Physics: Materials 3, 024006,2020

5.    npj Comput. Mater., 7, 197 (2021)

6.    Acta Mater., 196,295-303, (2020).

Brief Introduction of Speaker
Abhishek Kumar Sing

Prof. Abhishek Kumar Singh has completed his PhD at the age of 26 years from Tohoku University and Postdoctoral Studies from University of California Santa Barbara and Rice University. He is the Professor of Materials Research Centre at Indian Institute of Science. He is also adjunct faculty of Department of Materials Science and Nanoengineering, Rice University. He is currently leading the materials informatics initiative of IISc (MI3). Prof Singh has published 〜180 papers. His work has so far received 〜8700 citations and his current h-index is 53. He has given more than 100 invited and keynote talks at various prestigious conferences. He is a recipient of martials research society of India medal in 2014, distinguished lectureship award of chemical society of Japan in 2020, JSPS invitation fellowship 2020.