Development of High Performance Entropic Alloys by using Materials-Genome Technologies

Yu Xin Wen1, Yong Zhang1*

University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing, 100083, China 

EXTENDED ABSTRACT: High-entropy alloys (HEAs), also known as multi-component alloys, which usually consist of five or more elements, have attracted more and more attentions. The traditional "trial and error" would reduce the development speed and efficiency of high performance entropic alloy. With the rapid development of computer and artificial intelligence technology, material genetic engineering technology has been applied to develop high-performance entropic alloys. The Cr45Ni227.5Co27.5 HEA was designed and its yield strength was more than 50 % higher than that of the CrMnFeNiCo series HEA [1]. The multi-objective optimization genetic algorithm and data mining method were used for calculate, designed 3155 high entropy alloys, and a low density (5.5g/cm3) HEA A135Cr37Mn7o5Til7was developed [2]. The FCC alloy Al10Col 7Fe34Mo5Ni34 was designed, with Vickers hardness of 1.78 GPa, yield strength of 215 MPa and ultimate tensile strength of 655 MPa superior over the existing FCC HEAs with similar density [3]. Zheng et al. developed a Ni32Co28Fe28Cr3Al3Ti6 HEA from 102,213 alloys, with elongation of 15 % and yield strength of 1.31 GPa, tensile strength of 1.65 GPa, respectively [ 4]. In a word, material genetic engineering is a revolution in the development of HEAs, which actively promotes the acquisition of more high performance HEAs. It is believed that with the development of material genetic engineering technology, high performance HEAs will emerge like mushrooming.

Keywords: material gene engineering; high entropy alloy; high performance; application
[1] F.G. Coury, K.D. et al, Sci. Rep, 8, (2018) 8600;

[2] E. Menou et al, Ser. Mater, 156, (2018) 120--123;
[3] E. Menou, et al, Mater. Des, 143, (2018) 185-195;
[4] T. Zheng, et al, J. Mater. Sci. Technol, 69, (2021) 156---167;

Brief Introduction of Speaker
Yong Zhang

Professor Yong Zhang, graduated from the University of Science and Technology Beijing, is now a professor and doctoral supervisor of the State Key Laboratory for Advanced Metal & Materials, USTB. He has been engaged in high-entropy alloys research for a about 20 years, winning the awards from National Natural Science, and Ministry of Education, Shanxi Provincial Science and Technology Award, evaluation expert of National 863 Project and National Natural Science Foundation of China, and special reviewers of《Chinese Journal of Physics》and《Chinese Physics》