S4-13 High-throughput synthesis of all inorganic perovskite micro-nano structures by droplet array evaporation and their applications

High-throughput synthesis of all inorganic perovskite micro-nano structures by droplet array evaporation and their applications
Jinbo Wu*, Bori Shi, Xinlian Chen, Yinyin Lin, Weijia Wen
Materials Genome Institute, Shanghai University, Shanghai, China

EXTENDED ABSTRACT: The open array microfluidic technology has great potential in the development of miniaturized platforms for next-generation high-throughput applications due to its easy-to-manufacture platform, high-density array layout, and openness, such as high-throughput screening of live cells and chemical synthesis reactions in an array of droplets on the surface. Based on the hydrophilic and hydrophobic surface modification technology, we built different open microarray platforms and applied them in biological analysis and materials synthesis. I will demonstrate cell population and morphology could be dynamically tracked within individual droplets and droplet array concentration gradience could be generated by parallel dilution for drug screening. By evaporative assembly, the micro/nanoscale size-controlled all-inorganic perovskite single-crystal arrays were selectively one-step created. Our method can adjust the size of the pattern and dewetting process, can be used to easily tune the single crystal size and selectively position the single crystal, with versatility in fabricating perovskite single-crystal arrays in wafer scale, which is beneficial for the tunability of high-performance microlaser. In addition, all inorganic perovskite nanocrystalline films with clonable micro-profile and unclonable micro-texture were prepared by laser engraving for lyophilic patterning, liquid strip sliding for high throughput droplet generation, and evaporative self-assembling for thin film deposition and we developed a new kind of anti-counterfeiting label with high modifiability, low reagent cost (2.1×10-4 USD), simple and fast authentication (overall time 12.17s), high encoding capacity (2.1×10623), and its identification software.

(1) Jinbo Wu* et al. Small, 2021, DOI: 10.1002/smll.202100244.
(2) Jinbo Wu* et al. ACS Applied Materials and Interface, 2020, 12, 2, 2662-2670.
(3) Jinbo Wu* et al. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 2020, 305, 127487.
(4) Jinbo Wu* et al. Applied Surface Science, 2018, 442, 189-194.

Brief Introduction of Speaker
Jinbo Wu

In 2011, Prof. Jinbo Wu received a Doctoral Degree in Nanotechnology from HKUST. From 2011 to 2015, he worked as postdoctoral researcher at HKUST and KAUST. In July 2015, he joined Shanghai University as Professor and awarded by Shanghai Pujiang Program in 2016. His research interests are the cutting-edge research in soft matter, with specially focusing on smart materials and high-throughput droplet microfluidics. He edited one book (Functional and Intelligent Characteristics of Soft Matter and Its Applications) and published more than 60 papers in Small, Lab a Chip and so on.