S-5-12 Rational Design of Advanced Energy Device and System Based on MGE

Rational Design of Advanced Energy Device and System Based on MGE

Xiaokun Zhang1*, Yong Xiang1, Xiaoli Peng1, Zongkai Yan1, Lin Zuo1, Jingjing Li1, Xiaoqiang Zhang2, Jingying Xie3

1 University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu, Sichuan, 611731, China;

2 China Academy of Engineering Physics, Mianyang, Sichuan, 621999, China;

3 Shanghai Institute of Space Power Source, Shanghai, 200245, China.


ABSTRACT: Nowadays, the R&D of energy device and system depends on the research experience, scientific insight, and a lot of trial-and-error, which results in the low R&D efficiency and design reliability. Meanwhile, a new round of technological revolution, which is characterized by the integration of big data and AI with physics, chemistry, mechanics, and electronics, is accelerated evolving. Materials genome engineering (MGE), which can significantly reduce the time and economic cost of new materials R&D through integrating combinatorial materials experimentation, high-throughput computation, and big materials data, is a practice of this technological revolution in the field of materials science. It is potential to realize rational design of energy device and system (RDEDS) on demand, utilizing the paradigm of MGE. In order to fulfil the concept of RDEDS, there are 5 key issues needing to be addressed. First, building the functional model of controllable design parameters and key performances. Second, exploring data acquisition approaches covering the total process of R&D, application, and deployment. Third, developing the special algorithms to solve the function of design parameters and key performance. Forth, developing the software tool for Multiphysics simulation and digital design. Fifth, building the ecosystem of RDEDS, and providing the systematic solution for industrial application. Here, we propose the workflow and technical architecture of RDEDS, and report the research progress related to lithium-ion batteries and thermal batteries, including the advances in developing functional model, algorithms, data acquisition technologies, and software platform.


Keywords: Material Genome Engineering; Rational Design; Lithium Batteries; Thermal Batteries; Modeling

* Corresponding author: zxk@uestc.edu.cn.

Brief Introduction of Speaker
Xiaokun Zhang

Xiaokun Zhang is an Associate Professor at the School of Materials and Energy, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China. He received his BS in Microelectronics and PhD in Materials Science and Engineering from University of Electronic Science and Technology of China in 2010 & 2018, respectively. His current research is focused on high-throughput materials experimentation, solid-state device for high-density energy storage, and integrated device or system for energy storage and management. He has published more than 40 papers in reputed journals, and filed over 60 patents, 7 of which has been authorized. He won the award of Excellent Young Scientists at International Forum on Advanced Materials in 2019.