S-4-24 Superalloy Database in Materials Genome Engineering

Superalloy Database in Materials Genome Engineering

Haiqing Yin*Xue Jiang, Bin Xu, Xuanhui Qu

University of Science and Technology Beijing,Beijing,100083,China


ABSTRACT: Superalloy is a crucial material for the development of aerospace industries. However, due to high confidentiality imposed on superalloy data exchange abroad, acquisition of superalloy data has been relatively difficult. Domestic collection of superalloy data starts much later than and the databases are often not for open access, which to some extent restricts the development of superalloy research. Meanwhile,the integrity and normalization of data are significant for the utility of materials data. This work described that a high-quality materials genome engineering superalloys database has been built and accessible on line--https://www.mgedata.cn/. Through materials genome engineering, superalloys big data can accelerate superalloys development. Based on the International Symposium on Superalloys from 1980 to 2016, this work collects such information as materials grade and brand name, chemical composition, raw materials information, performance, processing and characterization conditions, by means of manual recording and pixel value conversion. However, the different description ways bring not only about complexity, unevenness of data and confusion in query, together with the intelligent property dispute to impact adversely the data quality and to lead directly to the failure of data mining when exploring the novel materials. To control and evaluate data quality therefore is necessary based on an examination of data source, data auditor and data error. And then, the data from the same article have a unique digital object identifier (DOI). Finally, materials data standards drafted in our group are demonstrated in this case, including the unified description and naming method of digital object identifier for materials scientific data. And the applications of the standards in superalloys data are discussed in details.  Our building of this superalloys database is conducive to materials data sharing, intellectual property protection, and the development of nickel base superalloys in China, and it significantly meets the requirement of data-driven materials design.


Key words: Superalloy; Superalloy database; Materials genome engineering; Materials data standard

Brief Introduction of Speaker
Haiqing YIN

Haiqing YIN is professor in University of Science and Technology Beijing (USTB), China. Her research focuses on cross-scale and data driven materials design, database construction and data mining techniques. She has involed or led diverse porjects like the National key R&D plan, the 973 plan and so on. More than 80 papers were published.