S-4-23 Standards System for Materials Genome Engineering Data

Standards System for Materials Genome Engineering Data

Ning Yu1Lanting Zhang1Lei Zhao2Hong Wang1*


2 NCS Testing Technology Co. Ltd.


ABSTRACT: As the core content and driving force, Data is central for the development of Materials Genome Engineering (MGE) which was inititved recently to prompt a paradigm shift for materials discovery and design. However, a serials of new rules and standards need to be established for data production, storage, exchange, mining and application, etc. to ensure the FAIR principle (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) being met.

Toward that goal, the Field Committee on Materials Genome Engineering was established on Nov.21, 2017 by Chinese Society for Testing and Materials (CSTM) (CSTM-FC97). The first standard on MGE data, “General Rule for Materials Genome Engineering Data” was released on Aug.13, 2019. Compared with national standards, CSTM standards is quicker to established and release, which is more adequate to reflect the latest advancement today.

CSTM-FC97 has been making consistent efforts to establish a systematic and cohesive body of rules, standards and models to cover issues in data production, storage, transportation, mining, applications, etc. In this paper, we intend to introduce a framework design for the MGE data standards system, and the corresponding responsibilities taken by each technical committees (TC) in CSTM- FC97. In specific, the general rule technical committee (TC01) is in charge of making general rules for data, terminologies, identifications, etc.; the high-throughput computation/ fabrication /characterization technical committees (TC02/TC04/TC05) undertake propositions of standards of mass data production, metadata and related formats. The data technology committee (TC03) oversees those standards of data storage, transfer procedures and protocols, etc. The application committee (TC06) proposes accessible models and interfaces converting traditional data into data that meeting the requirement of general rules for MGE data. 


Keywords: Materials Genome Engineering, Data, Standards System

Brief Introduction of Speaker
Ning YU

Ning YU, received his PhD in Energy science at Kyoto University in Japan, was a Post doctor fellow at Tohoku University in Japan. He is currently working at School of Materials Science and Engineering, Materials Genome Initiative Center (MaGiC) of Shanghai Jiao Tong University and serving as executive editor of an international journal of Heat Treatment and Surface Engineering (HTSE) published in UK. He is secretary for the Materials Genome Engineering field committee (FC97) of Chinese Society for Testing and Materials (CSTM).