S-4-03 MGE Database and Application in Materials Science

MGE Database and Application in Materials Science

Yanjing Su*

Beijing Advanced Innovation Center for Materials Genome Engineering, Beijing, 100083, China

University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing 100083, China


ABSTRACT: Material Genome Engineering (MGE) database should realize flexible storage and retrieval of complex heterogeneous material data, which serves material high-throughput calculations/experiments by automatically collecting and archiving massive data, together with data analysis and mining application. A novel MGE database system has been successfully developed, based on data dynamic containers and NoSQL database technologies. More than 10 field types, including string, file, image, table, and container and so on, have been designed for users to customize the personalized data template. Users can customize their own data schema by dragging and dropping components through friendly graphical user interface, so as to realize the flexible description and convenient exchange of data. A high-throughput first-principles computational tool has been developed, which has realized the generation and submission of high-throughput calculation jobs, automatic processing and archiving of the result. A materials data mining platform and feature parameter automatic screening system has been developed with more than ten kinds of basic algorithm toolboxes, including pattern recognition, support vector machine, artificial neural network and so on, and several materials-oriented toolboxes such as the performance optimization design and phase classification of multi-component alloys based on machine learning, material data symbol regression technology based on genetic programming, and material text mining technology. By system integration, a scalable MGE database system framework (www.MGEdata.cn) is formed that integrates data collection, database, data mining, and material design. This talk introduces the main progress of the research and development of the MGE concept database technology and the main functions of the MGEdata database.


Keywords: Material Genome Engineering; database; high-throughput computational; machine learning

Brief Introduction of Speaker
Yanjing Su

Yanjing Su, professor in Department of Material Physics, University of Science and Technology Beijing. He got his Ph. D in USTB associated with HongKong University of Science and Technology in 2000. After that, he worked in National Institute of Materials Japan as JSPA fellowship. He has published ~150 journal papers, including Nano Lett., Acta Mater., npj Comput. Mater.. His research interests are material physics and chemistry include (1) computer simulations, including DFT, MD and EF; (2) nanomechanical characterization in nanomaterials; (3) deformation and fracture under mechanical load/chemical environment; (4) materials informatics, including material database, and materials dada science.