S-4-01 Active Learning Guided Materials Synthesis and Full-map Understanding

Active Learning Guided Materials Synthesis and Full-map Understanding

Xiaonan Wang

 Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, National University of Singapore,

4 Engineering Drive 4, Singapore 117585, Singapore.


ABSTRACT: The rapid development of deep learning enabled artificial intelligence (AI) has brought new opportunities to accelerate conventional experimental design in materials science. The discovery of high-dimensional synthesis recipes that yield desired material properties used to be costly and time-consuming, while advances in machine learning (ML) driven high-throughput experiments are able to rapidly achieve optimal conditions to produce the target materials. In this talk, I will first provide an overview on ML tools for material discovery and sophisticated applications of different ML strategies, which shows how AI strategies are applied through material discovery stages (including characterization, property prediction, synthesis, and theory paradigm discovery. See Figure 1). Our recently developed online active learning approaches will then be discussed, which can effectively guide experiments and achieve full-map understanding of the design space. Several case studies will be demonstrated including: 1) a two-step active learning framework that combines Bayesian Optimization (BO) and Deep Neural Network (DNN) in a loop with a high-throughput microfluidic platform, to optimize the synthesis of silver nanoparticles with the desired absorbance spectrum, and 2) a hierarchical AI framework, tested for strain sensor material synthesis.

Moreover, we have developed a series of interpretation and visualization approaches to understand "black-box" ML models and make them more favoured by domain experts to extract knowledge of complex systems that embed a huge amount of hidden information. Although promising opportunities are identified, many challenges exist this highly interdisciplinary field, such as construction of valuable and open datasets, in-depth understandings of descriptors, lack of standard algorithms workflow and fully autonomous experimental platforms. We are aiming to enable a better integration of AI methods with the material discovery process, with the keys to successful applications of AI in material discovery and challenges fully addressed.

Figure 1. AI Applications through the Whole Life Cycle of Material Discovery.

Keywordsactive learning; materials synthesis; deep neural network; high-throughput experiment

Brief Introduction of Speaker
Xiaonan Wang

Dr Xiaonan Wang is an assistant professor in the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at the National University of Singapore (NUS). She received her BEng from Tsinghua University in 2011 and PhD from University of California, Davis in 2015. After working as a postdoctoral research associate at Imperial College London, she joined NUS as an assistant professor since 2017. Her research focuses on the development of intelligent computational methods including multi-scale modelling, optimization, data analytics and machine learning for applications in advanced materials, energy, environmental and manufacturing systems to support smart and sustainable development. She is leading a Smart Systems Engineering research group at NUS of more than 20 team members as PI and also the deputy director of the Accelerated Materials Development programme in Singapore (S$25M funding). She has published more than 50 peer-reviewed papers, organized and chaired several international conferences, and delivered more than 40 presentations and invited talks at international conferences and universities on five continents. She was recognized as an IChemE Global Awards Young Researcher finalist and selected for Royal Society International Exchanges Award, as well several best paper awards at IEEE and Applied Energy Conferences.