5-23. Nuclear fuel cladding performance assessment through materials genome engineering

5-23. Nuclear fuel cladding performance assessment through materials genome engineering

Weijia Gong 1,Pavel Trtik 2

1.Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi’an 710072

2.Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI), Villigen 5232, Switzerland

Abstract: Zirconium alloys are widely used as nuclear fuel cladding materials because of their low neutron absorption cross-section. During service, zirconium cladding tubes take up a part of the hydrogen produced by the oxidation reaction between the reactor coolant water and the hot rod surface. Hydrogen distribution can often be non-uniform given the general tendency for hydrogen to diffuse down thermal and concentration gradients, and up stress gradients. Hydride platelets precipitate when hydrogen content exceeds the terminal solubility. Hydrides are predominantly oriented in the circumferential direction relative to the present α-Zr texture, and can be re-oriented in the radial direction when a high pressure-induced cladding tensile hoop stress is encountered, which originates mainly from fuel pellet-cladding interaction and fission gas pressure. These hydrides can raise the risk for the fuel rod integrity by decreasing cladding fracture toughness and tensile ductility. Radial hydrides may lead to microcrack propagation along the hydride/matrix interface and eventually resulting in radial fracture through the cladding wall. Therefore, hydrogen diffusion and precipitation are essential to evaluate cladding performance behavior in service and assess integrity safety during spent fuel storage.

Neutron penetrating most of metals, is able to reveal microstructure and composition in bulk materials. Neutron imaging provides a high-throughput technique to the determination of hydrogen concentration given a certain spatial resolution, due to an order of magnitude higher in the neutron absorption scattering cross-section of hydrogen than zirconium. In the study, the state-of-the-art detector of the PSI Neutron Microscope was employed to quantitatively investigate hydrogen diffusion and hydrides precipitation, where inhomogeneous hydrogen concentration field was efficiently quantified. In association with multi-physics computation, strengths of various diffusion driving force were evaluated. The presented work demonstrates the approach of materials genome engineering including high-resolution neutron imaging and high-throughput finite element modeling for the assessment of hydrogen up-take and performance in zirconium nuclear fuel cladding.


公维佳1,Pavel Trtik 2

1.西北工业大学,西安 710072

2.Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI), Villigen 5232, Switzerland


中子穿透大部分金属材料,能够反映体材料的内部结构与成分信息,同时氢的中子截面比锆高一个数量级,所以中子成像技术是测定核燃料包壳锆合金中氢分布的一种有力的高通量表征手段。本工作借助目前中子成像领域分辨率最高的谱仪PSI Neutron Microscope,高效、定量研究锆合金中多因素协同作用下氢迁移及氢化物析出行为,实现非均匀氢浓度场数据的高通量表征与获取,然后通过有限元多物理场模拟,评估不同扩散驱动力的强度,从而实现以高通量模拟计算结合中子成像高通量表征的材料基因工程手段,对核燃料包壳锆合金吸氢与服役行为进行安全评价、理论预测。


Brief Introduction of Speaker

西北工业大学副教授,主要从事基于中子成像、同步辐射X射线衍射及有限元多物理场模拟的核燃料包壳腐蚀与吸氢研究。曾获欧盟Marie-Curie COFUND Action资助,主持、参与瑞士工业界swissnuclear项目4项,在核材料领域权威期刊Jounal of Nuclear Materials、Corrosion Science及核燃料国际会议TopFuel发表论文10余篇。
