5-22. The research progresses of high-throughput design-fabrication-characterization of nuclear fuels

5-22. The research progresses of high-throughput design-fabrication-characterization of nuclear fuels

Pengcheng Zhang *, Biaojie Yan, Liang Cheng, Bingqing Li, Rui Gao, Zhenliang Yang

Institute of Materials, China Academy of Engineering Physics

Abstract: Nuclear fuel is one of the key components of a reactor. Its thermophysical properties are very critical, which affect fuel efficiencies under normal operating conditions and its fault-tolerant capability under accident conditions. Poor thermal conductivity (TC) is one of the biggest disadvantages of uranium dioxide (UO2) ceramic nuclear fuel widely used in reactors. Therefore, it is of great significance to develop a new type of ceramic fuel with high thermophysical properties. However, the development of a new type of nuclear fuel has a long cycle and high costs. Applying the idea of material genome to develop nuclear fuels and carrying out the researches on high-throughput design, fabrication and characterization of nuclear fuels are quite necessary.

At present, the prevalent approach to enhancing the TC of UO2 is to inject a second phase material with a high TC, such as SiC, Mo, BeO, and diamond, into its fuel matrix, thus producing a composite fuel with dispersed or continuous second-phase. Whereas, considering the uranium density and burn-up of a composite fuel, it is expected that the target or higher TC of the fuel can be obtained with the minimum addition of the second-phase. Therefore, we consider reaching this objective and further improving the TC of the composite fuels through the perspective of structural optimization. We utilized the existing experimental data or theoretical parameters as input to finite element method (FEM) to generate massive composite samples, each of which contains the structural characteristics and the simulated thermal property. We selected the most relevant structural features related to TC through feature engineering, and then established the mapping the structural features to thermal conductivity by using machine learning methods such as neural network, so as to realize the forward prediction of composite fuel from structural characteristics to TC. Subsequently, we adopted numerical optimization method combined with the analytical formula of the predictive model to accomplish the inverse design from the target thermal property to the structural characteristics, which were verified through experimental fabrication and characterization.

In order to rapidly prepare and characterize more pellet samples corresponding to results of optimal design mentioned above, we designed and implemented the high-throughput fabrication and characterization technologies of high TC modified nuclear fuel. For high-throughput fabrication, continuous injection with batch forming and rapid sintering technique were used to prepare ceramic pellet arrays with component gradient changing. First, we prepared UO2 and powder with high thermal conductivity into suspension respectively. Then, these two kinds of suspensions were continuously injected into the array mold with different proportions changing in a gradient manner. Subsequently, the mixture suspensions were further mixed evenly by ultrasonic method and dried quickly. Finally, the pellets array with component gradient changing was prepared by spark plasma sintering. Regarding high-throughput characterization, we constructed an experimental platform consisting of a planar heat source-ceramic pallets array-infrared thermal imaging camera. The principle of this platform is that: the bottom surface of the pallets array is heated uniformly by the planar heat source; the temperature-time curve of the upper surface of each pallet in the array is collected by the infrared thermal imaging camera; then the TCs of corresponding pallets are calculated through the model we proposed for calculating TC. We took three heat transfer models, i.e., back-temperature comparison method, steady state method and unsteady state method, to analyze the obtained temperature-time curve and calculate the TC. The three methods were measured by standard samples, and the TCs obtained from the unsteady heat transfer model were the closest to the actual value. Moreover, to reduce the difference of the contact thermal resistance between different materials and plane heat source which will seriously influence the accuracy of the obtained temperature-time curve, we added the thermally conductive silicone grease on the contact surface between each test material and the plane heat source. This makes the surface temperature - time curve of the test material more close to that from unsteady heat conduction model, and further improves the accuracy of high-throughput characterization for TC. Based on the above methods of high-throughput design, preparation and characterization of ceramic nuclear fuel, we successfully developed the UO2-BeO composite pellets with high thermophysical properties and completed the assessment of the pallets in reactor, which is of great significance for the research and development of the accident tolerant fuel in China.

Keywords: Nuclear fuels; High-throughput; Thermal conductivity






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