5-19. Digital intelligent manufacturing system of special steel for automobile based on material design

5-19. Digital intelligent manufacturing system of special steel for automobile based on material design

Mi Zhenli1,2 Song Yong2 Wang Min3 Zhang Cong 4 Su Lan4 Chen Yinli4

1. Beijing Advanced Innovation Center of Materials Genome Engineering;

2. Institute of Engineering Technology, University of Science and Technology Beijing;

3. State Key Laboratory of Advanced Metallurgy, University of Science and Technology Beijing;

4. Collaborative Innovation Center of Steel Technology, University of Science and Technology Beijing

AbstractThe traditional research and development of special steel rod and wire for automobile depends on empiric trial and error. Due to the lack of facilities of pilot scale test, new product can only be developed and trial-produced on the line. Composition and process make the properties of the product substandard, which requires repeated testing, and this will generate negative impacts in terms of product development cycle, efficiency and costs. This paper introduces the architecture of the digital intelligent manufacturing system for the line of special steel rod and wire for automobile based on material design. The corresponding relations among composition, microstructure, process and property are explored through this system, and the collaborative digital manufacturing of products, process and quality is realized.

Fig. 1. Architecture of digital intelligent manufacturing system for special steel in automobile

Keywords: digital; intelligent manufacturing; process simulation; material design; property prediction


米振莉1,2 宋勇2 王敏3 张聪4 苏岚4 陈银莉4

1.北京材料基因工程高精尖创新中心 2.北京科技大学工程技术研究院

3.北京科技大学钢铁冶金国家重点实验室 4.北京科技大学钢铁共性技术协同创新中心





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Email: mizl@nercar.ustb.edu.cn