5-11. Application of MGI in the development of cladding materials for ATF from multiscale calculations

5-11. Application of MGI in the development of cladding materials for ATF from multiscale calculations




AbstractWith the promotion of Materials Genome Initiative technology, how to promote the efficient application of this technology in the development of nuclear energy materials has become an important topic in the nuclear industry. In accordance with the requirements of National Key R&D Program of MGI, our group continued to design and develop the software for MGI design and calculation, and carried out in-depth research on nuclear structural materials FeCrAl and advanced nuclear fuels. Specific research contents are as follows:

(1) Construction of high-throughput and multi-scale theoretical calculation platform. According to the requirements of major projects, we have developed a multi-scale genome design software for advanced nuclear fuel cladding materials. The software includes Material Genome Central Controller Module, Artificial Neural Network Computation Module, Multiscale Calculation Integration Module, Parallel Computational Job Management Module and Material Genome Data Base Module. The software realizes the parameter transfer between multi-scale algorithms, can be competent for high-throughput multi-scale computing task deployment and management on the supercomputer platform, and has the function of fault tolerance and process monitoring, which provides software support for the development of material genome method.

(2) Multi-scale coupling method of alloy materials. Since the single-scale theoretical model is difficult to describe the changes of microstructure and properties of alloys from micro to macro, we have established a series of coupled theoretical models of nano atomic scale, micro defect scale, meso grain size scale and macro scale, and predicted the genetic parameters of materials through the first principles, molecular dynamics, phase field and finite element coupling multi-scale simulation method. At the same time, our experimental work mainly includes the construction of in-stack irradiation devices for FeCrAl materials, and the preparation and characterization of thin films and bulk samples of FeCrAl and Zr alloys. The accuracy of our theoretical calculation model is verified by comparing the theoretical calculation results with the experimental characterization.

(3) Theoretical research and optimization design of advanced nuclear fuel. The in-reactor performance of uranium-silicon nuclear fuel has been calculated and new understanding of the in-reactor behavior of uranium-silicon nuclear fuel has been gained. The element ratio and lattice structure of ternary layered nuclear fuel were predicted by theoretical calculation method, and the predicted results were verified by experiments.

KeywordsMaterials Genome Initiative,High throughput calculation,Multiscale simulation, FeCrAl Alloy, ATF Fuel








(3) 新型核能燃料的理论研究与优化设计。我们对新型铀硅核燃料的关键堆内性能进行了理论计算,对于铀硅系核燃料的堆内行为有了新的认识。通过理论计算方法正确预测了三元层状核燃料的元素配比与晶格结构,预测结果得到了实验验证。


Brief Introduction of Speaker

现任中国科学院宁波材料技术与工程研究所研究员,哈尔滨工程大学兼职教授,博士生导师。都时禹于2014年1月全职回国,为中组部“青年千人计划”入选者,国家重点研发计划项目首席科学家。目前的研究方向为,利用材料基因工程技术从事核能相关材料的理论研究,已经在Nature Communications, Adv. Mater., Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., J. Am. Chem. Soc., Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., ACS Nano, Nanoscale等国际期刊上发表论文一百四十余篇。正在主持“十三五”国家重点研发计划,国家自然科学基金面上项目,2014年度中国科学院创新交叉团队项目等。

Email: dushiyu@nimte.ac.cn