5-9. Creation of new liquid metal materials: frontiers of science, technology and industry therein

5-9. Creation of new liquid metal materials: frontiers of science, technology and industry therein

Jing Liu

Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Department of Biomedical Engineering, School of Medicine, Tsinghua University

Abstract: The room temperature liquid metal (LM) and its allied materials are a class of newly emerging diverse functional matters inherited with many fascinating properties. Such metals generally stay in liquid state at around room temperature and have pretty high evaporation point, very large electrical and thermal conductivities and could easily transit between solid and liquid states. Previously, perhaps due to that such materials’ scientific and practical values were not fully realized, many important behaviors and utilizations of liquid metals reserved unknown and investigations thus performed were unfortunately neglected for a very long time. In recent years, with tremendous breakthrough discoveries made on liquid metals, various exciting applications were initiated which further stimulate the creations of new materials that had never been anticipated before. This also leads to the coming of new scientific areas. It is also for such a reason, the latest achievements as made on liquid metals were ascribed as the second revolution for human being regarding metal utilization and practices. This talk is dedicated to briefly introduce several representative advancements in liquid metals. Typical materials, fundamental phenomena, matter behaviors and scientific discoveries lying behind will be interpreted. Following that, a series of key technological and industrial categories thus enabled will be illustrated which include: Liquid metal chip cooling and energy system, liquid metal printed electronics and 3D printing, liquid metal biomedical materials as well as liquid metal smart soft machines etc. Finally, historic science and basic strategy to propose and establish “The Liquid Metal Valley” at Yunnan Province, China and thus mold a brand new industry based on liquid metal matters were introduced. The core values to strengthen future endeavors on liquid metal material genome engineering and build up databases along this direction were summarized. Overall, liquid metals contain rather profound matter properties which clearly are appearing as a very promising and important frontier for science, technology and industry covering both fundamental and practical issues together. Discoveries thus obtained would serve as key engine to incubate disruptive technologies. Without any doubt, liquid metal science and technology will lead to pivotal progress of human civilization and thus change social production and life style. It is expected to generate big impact for China and the world to explore next generation revolutionary science, technology and industry. All the advancements involved are now witnessed in rapid progress.

Keywords: Liquid metal; Creation of new material; Data base; Matter genome; Disruptive technology; New industry






Brief Introduction of Speaker

清华大学教授,中国科学院理化技术研究所研究员。长期从事液态金属、工程热物理与生物医学工程学等方面交叉科学问题研究并作出系列开创性贡献。发现液态金属诸多全新科学现象、基础效应和变革性应用途径,开辟了液态金属在生物医疗、柔性机器人、印刷电子、3D打印、先进能源以及芯片冷却等领域突破性应用,成果在世界范围产生持续广泛的影响,为诸多重要科学杂志如MIT Technology Review, New Scientist, Nature, Nature Materials等大量专题评介,研发的众多液态金属应用系统、高端肿瘤治疗装备及无线移动医学仪器等得到广泛应用。出版有16部跨学科前沿著作(其中之一印刷5次)及20余应邀著作书章;发表期刊论文500余篇(30余入选所在英文期刊封面或封底故事);已获授权发明专利200余项。系2003年国家杰出青年科学基金获得者;曾获国际传热界最高奖之一“The William Begell Medal”、全国首届创新争先奖、入围及入选“两院院士评选中国十大科技进展新闻”各1次,入选CCTV 2015年度十大科技创新人物、2015 R&D 100 Awards Finalist等。

Email: jliu@mail.ipc.ac.cn