4-10. Tensile properties prediction for reduced activation steel based on feature engineering

4-10. Tensile properties prediction for reduced activation steel based on feature engineering

Chi Zhang1*, Chenchong Wang2, Chunguang Shen2

1. Department of materials science and engineering, school of materials, tsinghua university

2. State key laboratory of rolling technology and continuous rolling automation, Northeastern University

Abstract: The machine learning and artificial intelligence algorithms are attracting more and more attention from materials researchers with the development of materials genetic engineering and integrated computing & design to overcome the constraint and sensitivity to parameters of traditional physical metallurgy models. Supervised and unsupervised algorithms are widely used in predicting performance, composition & structure of potential materials, new phases and research of phase transformation. Although the training of most machine learning models requires more time, the model established has a series of advantages such as high prediction accuracy and wide application range with several orders of magnitude calculation speed compared to traditional methods. Supervised machine learning algorithms applied to materials include random forest(RF), support vector regression(SVM), and multi-layer perceptron artificial neural networks(ANN).

The random forest was used to predict reduced activation steels’ performance in this work. The accurate prediction of tensile properties has great importance for the service life assessment and alloy design of RAFM steels, and the calculated process window for the balance of strength and plasticity could provide guidance for the further design and development of RAFM steels. Machine learning algorithm was used to establish universal models for the prediction of RAFM steels’ yield strength and total elongation. A database with a wide range of compositions and treatment processes of RAFM steels was first established. Then, feature engineering methods were used to select highly correlated features. With the reasonable selection of machine learning algorithms and test/training set partitioning strategy, random forest regressors were trained by the selected features. The prediction results proved that the feature engineering guided random forest regressors had higher accuracy and universality in the prediction of RAFM steels’ yield strength and total elongation.

This study made a preliminary attempt to modify the performance of machine learning algorithms in the field of RAFM steels by using feature engineering guidance. Part of tensile properties prediction results is shown in Fig.2. The main idea of feature engineering was to select and obtain the most useful features, not only remove the useless one as shown in this work, but also introduce the critical features. The properties of steels critically depended on microstructures. However, only composition and processes were used as features to input into most previous traditional machine learning algorithms. It is reasonable to assume that the performance of machine learning algorithms will improve if more microstructure information were used as feature inputs. In the next research, more microstructure information (such as phase fraction, driving force, growth rate, etc.) calculated by various thermodynamic simulation methods will be input into a machine learning model as features. Based on the results in this work, more meaningful researches could be made by feature engineering guided machine learning in other steels and target performance.

Keywords: Performance prediction; Machine learning; Feature engineering

Fig.1 Flow of reduced activation steels’ tensile properties prediction based on machine learning


Fig.2 Prediction results of tensile properties of low activation steel based on machine learning




1. 清华大学材料学院材料科学与工程系,2. 东北大学轧制技术及连轧自动化国家重点实验室





Brief Introduction of Speaker


2010.03 -至今 清华大学材料学院,任党委副书记负责教工、学生工作

2007.03 - 2010.03 清华大学材料科学与工程系,任业务办主任负责系教务工作

2004.07 - 2007.03 清华大学材料科学与工程系,任学生组长负责本科生工作

2001.10 - 2003.12 日本茨城大学材料科学系, 博士后研究员,从事日本金属研究与发展中心组织的纳米金属项目的研究

1996.09 - 1999.07 清华大学材料科学与工程系96级本科生辅导员

2018.12 - 至今 清华大学材料科学与工程系 教授

2005.12 - 2018.12 清华大学材料科学与工程系 副教授

2004.01 - 2005.12 清华大学材料科学与工程系 助理教授

2001.10 - 2003.12 日本茨城大学材料科学系, 博士后研究员,从事日本金属研究与发展中心组织的纳米金属项目的研究

研究概况: 在金属的固态相变机理、钢铁中析出相界面、结构及性能等方面开展了较深入的理论及实验研究工作,目前的科研方向主要有聚变堆用低活化钢的研究,耐热钢服役期间组织及性能的演化规律,钢铁材料的表面处理技术,高温材料的氧化腐蚀行为等。目前负责一项国家自然基金项目、并参加了多项国家973、863研究工作。此外还负责了国内外多项横向合作项目,发表SCI收论文录约140篇。

Email: chizhang@tsinghua.edu.cn