3-22. Data-driven approach to understand environmental corrosion

3-22. Data-driven approach to understand environmental corrosion

Dawei Zhang1,3*, Tao Yang2,3, Xuequn Cheng1,3, Dongmei Fu2,3, Xiaogang Li1,3

1. Beijing Advanced Innovation Center for Materials Genome Engineering, University of Science and Technology Beijing;

2. School of Automation and Electrical Engineering, University of Science and Technology Beijing;
3. National Materials Corrosion and Protection Data Center

Abstract: According to a 2017 nationwide survey, corrosion is estimated to cost over 2.1 trillion RMB annually in China, representing ~3.34% of the gross domestic product. The recent Materials Genome Engineering (MGE) initiative provides new opportunities to demystify the complex corrosion problems and to more effectively design corrosion-resistant materials. A data-driven approach is proposed within the MGE framework by integrating i) data accumulation, ii) data standardization and classification, iii) data mining and modelling and iv) data sharing and applications. The talk will summarize some of the recent progresses made by the National Materials Corrosion and Protection Data Center in the development of on-line corrosion monitoring sensors and data mining techniques for better understanding and predication of atmospheric corrosion.

Keywords: Atmospheric corrosion, Data mining, Corrosion monitoring 



张达威 1,3*,杨焘 2,3,程学群 1,3,付冬梅 2,3,李晓刚 1,3 



摘要:我国每年的腐蚀损失超过 2.1 万亿元,约占国内生产总值的 3.34%。材料基因工程的研究 方法为更为深入的理解复杂腐蚀问题和更有效的设计先进耐腐蚀材料提供了新的机遇。通过集 成 i)材料腐蚀大数据积累、ii)数据标准化和分级分类、iii)数据挖掘和建模以及 iv)数据共 享和应用,本文在材料基因工程的研究体系内提出了数据驱动下材料环境腐蚀研究方法,总结 了国家材料腐蚀与防护科学数据中心在发展大气腐蚀在线监测传感器和数据挖掘技术方面取得 的一些最新进展。

Brief Introduction of Speaker

北京科技大学教授,中国腐蚀与防护学会海洋污损与防护专业委员会 副主任委员、美国腐蚀工程师协会技术委员会亚太区联络员,并担任材料 腐蚀领域顶级期刊 Corrosion Science 副主编。主要从事智能表面防护技术、 微生物腐蚀、材料腐蚀基因工程等方面的研究。目前在 Nature、Journal of Materials Chemistry A、Corrosion Science、ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 等期刊发表论文 110 余篇。曾获得北京市科技新星、教育部科技进步一等奖、中国腐蚀与防护学会杰出青年奖等多项荣誉。

Email: dzhang@ustb.edu.cn