3-10. A high-throughput implantation platform for materials and its application based on LEAF

3-10. A high-throughput implantation platform for materials and its application based on LEAF

N Gao*,L.B. Li,T.L. Shen,Y. Yang,L.T. Sun,H.W.Zhao

Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 730000, LanZhou, China

Abstract: To develop and apply nuclear energy safely is one possible solution to meet the requirement of clean energy in China. Until now, to extend the lifetime of the existing nuclear power plants and develop the next generation nuclear power system becomes one of key topics in China after several decades of safe use of nuclear energy. For fusion reactors, after joining the ITER project, the new design of CFETR has also been approved for its further building in China. However, to select and develop the radiation resistant materials used in nuclear plants is one of key factors for fission and fusion reactors. Thus, how to evaluate the related materials becomes necessary and important for further development of nuclear energy.

In this work, a new high-throughput implantation platform for materials has been designed and built based on a low energy high intensity accelerator facility (LEAF) developed in Institute of Modern Physics, CAS, as shown in Fig.1. In this new facility, the temperature of implantation target is controlled through a water cooling system, which can automatically change the speed of water and its temperature based on implantation ion intensity and ion energy. The high intensity ensure the implantation area up to 10cm×10cm. The position, shape and thickness of samples can be adjusted freely for their implantation uniformly. Thus, for sample with area of 1cm×1cm, 100 samples can be implanted simultaneously, satisfying the high-throughput requirement. The implantation current can also be changed up to several hundred microamps, which in fact can be further increased depending on the water cooling system. In addition, LEAF has provided different experimental factors, including different beams, single, double or tri-beam implantation and energy of ions, to meet the requirement of different purposes.

Based on this platform, we have demonstrated its application by implantation of tungsten and irion with H and He ions. The experimental results indicated that within one week, more than 100 samples can be implanted up to different dose under different temperatures, which confirmed the high-throughput properties of this new platform for selection and evaluation of materials used in nuclear facilities.

Keywords: radiation damages;ion implantation;accelerator;low energy high intensity; high-throughput










Brief Introduction of Speaker

山东大学前沿交叉科学青岛研究院教授,博导。2007年清华大学材料科学与工程系硕士,2011年瑞士联邦洛桑理工大学材料科学与工程学院博士,2012年加入中国科学院近代物理研究所,先后担任副研和研究员,材料计算模拟组组长,2016先入选中科院青促会,先后在美国UCLA,LANL和PNNL做高级访问学者,2019年加入山东大学。材料协会计算分会委员,主持面上基金2项,科学院及所级基金2项,参与科技部项目1项,发表Nature Materials, Scripta Materialia, Journal of Nuclear Materials等40余篇。

Email: ning.gao@impcas.ac.cn,