1-1. Individual phases as materials genome and beyond

1-1. Individual phases as materials genome and beyond

Zi-Kui Liu

Department of Materials Science and Engineering,
The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802, USA

Abstract: Thermodynamics and its modeling based on the CALPHAD method integrated with first-principles calculations have established itself as the foundation of computational materials science and engineering. It is based on individual phases in the space of external and some internal variables, covering stable/metastable/unstable regions and extended beyond thermodynamic properties. To further enhance the predictive power of the CALPHAD method, particularly the critical phenomena and emergent behaviors, it is articulated that the CALPHAD modeling needs to be extended to the properties of individual configurations with respect to internal variables of a phase so the properties of the phase can be predicted through statistical mixing of its individual configurations. Additionally, the connection between change of configurations to the change of information will be discussed, which provides a framework to study complex, dissipative systems. With new tools being developed, it is hope that a sustainable data ecosystem can be established.

Brief Introduction of Speaker
Zi-Kui Liu

美国宾夕法尼亚州立大学材料系终身杰出教授,教育部长江学者讲座教授,客座教授。刘梓葵教授是计算材料学的国际权威之一,美国金 属及材料学会(ASM)主席,国际相图计算权威期刊《CALPHAD》主 编、CALPHAD 基金总裁、美国金属及材料学会 Fellow,是 Materials Genome(材料基因组)概念的提出者。曾创立和兼任美国科学基金委计 算材料设计中心主任,担任过美国矿物、冶金和材料学会(TMS)理事。获得 ASM J.W. Gibbs 相平衡奖,美国陶瓷学会 Spriggs 相平衡奖,中国科学院沈阳金属所李薰 奖,TMS William Hume-Rothery 奖等。主持过美国能源部、航空航天局、美国科学基金、美国 海军、陆军和空军等政府和企业的科研课题 40 多项,发表 430 余篇 SCI 收录的论文,著有英国 剑桥大学出版的教科书“材料计算热力学”。