From Data to Discovery: Accelerated search for materials with targeted properties
Turab Lookman*
Los Alamos National Laboratory
摘要:Finding new materials with targeted properties with as few experiments as possible is a key goal of accelerated materials discovery and the materials genome initiative. The enormous complexity due to the interplay of structural, chemical and microstructural degrees of freedom in materials makes the rational design of new materials rather difficult. Machine learning and optimization, used in industry for solving complex problems, are increasingly being adapted for the design of new materials by learning from past data. However, the number of well characterized samples available as sources of data to learn from is often typically small. I will review some of the applications we have examined, including finding alloys and ceramics with desired properties, via an active learning loop using surrogate modeling and design.
关键词:Machine Learning,Active Learning, Design of experiment
Turab Lookman is a LANL Laboratory Fellow (2018), Fellow of the American Physical Society (2012), and recipient of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) award in 2010 and the LANL Fellows prize for Outstanding Research in Science or Engineering in 2009. He has been the focus lead for Theory, Modeling and Computation for the proposed MaRIE (Matter Radiation in Extremes) XFEL signature facility concept at LANL. He has led an LDRD-DR effort at LANL on Materials Informatics and was Computational Materials lead for ExMatEx, the LANL-LLNL codesign effort for materials under extreme conditions. His interests span the study of hard and soft functional materials and aspects of applied mathematics and computation.
通讯方式:Turab Lookman, Email: txl@lanl.gov