EXTENDED ABSTRACT: NIMS serves as a materials platform (MDPF) in an initiative to establish materials DX platforms across Japan led by the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT). The portal site DICE1) plays an important role in this initiative. As one of DICE's services, we have made the NIMS materials and materials database MatNavi2) available for the development of new materials and material selection. MatNavi is an integrated database system that consists of 8 material databases. As shown in Table 1, it is the world's largest and can be regarded as the one and only materials database. Polymer DB, PoLyInfo3) provides the information curated from academic papers such as chemical structures, properties, conditions etc. We offer two types of inorganic materials DB: AtomWork (free ver.) and AtomWork-Adv4) (paid ver.). AtomWork-Adv contains signiffcantly more data than AtomWork and includes additional viewing features and data download capabilities not available in the free version. Both contain crystal structures, phase diagrams and properties collected from academic papers. Metallic materials DB, Kinzoku provides reliability information on commercially used metallic materials, including creep and fatigue properties, as well as fundamental mechanical properties. These data are provided in the form of datasheet as the NIMS Structural Materials Data Sheets (4 types: creep, fatigue, corrosion, space use materials). Note that these data on metallic structural materials are obtained by our own experimental testing lasting over 40 years.In addition to the conventional use of searching and browsing material data and referring to the results, we are considering and providing rules for the use of data as a single dataset for data-driven research.
Keywords: Materials Database; polymer; Inorganic Material; Metallic Materials
[1] DICE: https://dice.nims.go.jp/
[2] MatNavi: https://mits.nims.go.jp/
[3] M. Ishii et al., Sci. Technol. Adv. Mater.-Methods., 4, (2024). 2354649
[4] AtomWork-Adv: https://atomwork-adv.nims.go.jp/
I. Kuwajima has been involved in the construction and operation of MatNavi since 2002.