The standard system for the AI-ready material data

EXTENDED ABSTRACT: In recent years, materials science is experiencing a shift from trial-and-error to the new paradigm of data-driven, with "data + artiffcial intelligence (AI)" at its core. It is widely recognized that data is the foundation for unleash the power of AI. Traditionally, the primary function of data has been to provide facts and is used as a digital basis for scientiffc research, technology design, validation, and decision-making. While in the context of AI, data is an information carrier that reflects a comprehensive effect from the complex influence of multiple factors. By processing and mining massive data, AI methods provide a means to reveal the implicit relationship between complex parameters by establishing correlations between data. Since data’s role has fundamentally changed in the fourth paradigm, a set of new principles must be put forward to ensure that materials data is suitable to the needs of AI, or AI-ready. Therefore, it is necessary to establish a standard system, i.e. a set of standards, to regulate the data content, generation, recording, organization, and utilization of data to enable the smooth sharing of multi-source heterogeneous data. In addition, each data can be viewed from the data generation and data application. The standard subsystems for data are generated from both dimensions to serve different needs.

Keywords: Materials data standard; Standard system; AI ready

Brief Introduction of Speaker
Hong Wang

Dr. Hong Wang earned a Ph.D. in Materials Science and Engineering from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA. Currently, he is a "Zhiyuan" Chair Professor of Materials Science and Engineering and the Director of Materials Genome Initiative Center at Shanghai Jiao Tong University. He also serves as the chairperson of the Materials Genome Engineering Field Committee, Chinese Society for Testing and Materials (CSTM). His current research focuses on the theory of materials genome engineering, materials data standards, highthroughput material preparation and characterization techniques, and materials informatics.