From virtual to reality: a practical route to design new materials

Sergio Arapan, Pablo Nieves,Jakub Sebesta,Andrea Dzubinska
Marian Reiffers3, M. Fabi时,K. Arun5, and Dominik Legut1
IT4Innovations, VSB -Technical University ofOstrava, 70800 Ostrava, Czech Republic
CPM-TIP, University Pavol Jozef Safarik, 040 11 Kosice, Slovakiar
Faculty of Humanities and Natural Sciences, University of Presov, 081 16 Presov, Slovakia
lnstitute of Geotechnics SAS, Kosice, Slovakia
National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli 620 015, India 

EXTENDED ABSTRACT: Modem computational techniques, that use a combination of electronic structure calculations, adaptive genetic algorithms, and machine learning data analysis, have been recently predicting many new unknown structures that may exhibit desired physical properties. Yet, most of these theoretically discovered structures belong to the realm of virtual phase space, and the great challenge to experimentally observe them
still remains. Based on the example of the C36 Laves phase in Co-Fe-Ta system, we demonstrate a practical route to design and produce a material with desired properties. In particular, we demonstrated the possibility to synthesize rare-earth free permanent magnetic materials utilizing theoretical predictions based on large quantum-mechanical calculations. Such approach is general and can be applied in order to design experimentally route for a predicted material with desired properties.

Keywords: mateiral design, permanent magnets, magnetization curves,electronic structure, structure prediction

[l] M. P. Brown and K. Austin, Appl. Phys. Letter, 85(1), (2004) 2503-2504

Brief Introduction of Speaker
Dominik Legut

Dominik Legut has completed his PhD in 2004 years from Brno University of Technology, Czechia and Postdoctoral Studies from Department of Physics and Astronomy, Uppsala University, Sweden (2007-2009) and University of Leoben, Austria (2009-2012). He is the Head of the group "Materials Design" at the IT4Innovations - Czech National Supercomuting Centre, by VSB Techn. Univ. Ostrava, Czechia He has published more than 177 papers in int. journals with over 3500 citations (WoS), being the chairman and vice-chairman severeal scientific bodies, including Czech Science Foundations (2017-2021), PI, co-PI and key expert in international projects, Horizon Europe, FET OPEN, COST-EU actions, vicechairman of the executive board at IT4Innovations, etc.