High-throughput screening of physical and chemical properties of new metal materials

Meng Gao, Juntao Huo, Junqiang Wang

Ningbo Institute of Materials Technology and Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences,
Ningbo, Zhejiang, 315201, China 

EXTENDED ABSTRACT: A wide variety of metal materials is an important material basis for the development of human society. However, the discoveiy of new metal materials is often due to accidental event or trial and error attempts. Material genome is a new concept of material development, and its main purpose is to improve the efficiency of new material exploration, shorten the time from new material development to final application, and reduce the cost of new material development, of which high-throughput experiments are an important part of the material genome. Multi-target co-deposition method is an effective method to obtain a material library with various compositions, especially for the preparation of uniform or single-phase fihns, such as amorphous alloys with uniform microscopic structure and no traditional dislocation or grain boundary defects. Based on this, we prepared the material libraries of quaternary amorphous alloys and multiple ternary single-phase ciystalline alloys by magnetron sputtering deposition method, and carried out the high-throughput screening of mechanical properties of amorphous alloys and hydrogen evolution reaction properties of crystalline alloys. For amorphous alloys, we proposed high-throughput screening indicators of hardness, strength and plastic deformation ability. For crystalline alloys, we proposed a high-throughput bubble screening strategy, which takes the volume of hydrogen bubbles in a certain area as an indicator of hydrogen evolution reaction performance. Finally, for the screened compositions with excellent mechanical and hydrogen evolution reaction performance, we prepared the corresponding bulk samples, and verified the effectiveness of the proposed high-throughput screening strategy.
Keywords: Metallic materials; high-throughput screening; mechanical properties; hydrogen evolution reaction performance; Magnetron sputtering 

Brief Introduction of Speaker
Dr. Gao Meng

Dr. Gao Meng is a professor at the Ningbo Institute of Materials Technology and Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and a recipient of the National Excellent Youth Fund (overseas) and the Hundred Talents Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. He graduated from the Institute of Physics, the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2016 with a Ph.D., and then conducted the postdoctoral research at the University of Wisconsin-Madison from 2016 to 2021. In 2021, he entered Ningbo Institute of Materials Technology and Engineering. His main research interests include the correlation between the macroscopic mechanical properties and microstructure of amorphous alloys; High-throughput preparation, characterization and physical properties of novel metal materials. He has published 47 papers in internationally renowned materials journals, such as Nano Letters, NPJ Asia Materials, Acta Materialia, etc., and applied for 6 Chinese invention patents. He presides over one National High-level Talent Program, one National Natural Science Foundation Youth Project, and one Zhejiang Natural Science Foundation Project. He serves on the Young Editorial Board of Acta Metallurgica Sinica.