Research on traceability quality control technology of the whole process of plastic forming of precision forgings

Sunyong ,Lingyunhan,Yuanchao
Beijing Mechanical and Electrical Research Institute, China Machinery General Institute
Group, Beijing, 100083, China 

Detailed summary: In view of the influence of equipment condition,control accuracy,process parameter deviation and fluctuation in the plastic forming process, under the action of multi-variable coupling, the external dimensional accuracy of the workpiece and the internal organizational properties are difficult to form a data-driven real-t血e and dynamic process closed­loop capability under the current plastic forming process control system.The traceability quality control of the whole process of plastic fo血ng takes the shape control of the workpiece as the goal, builds the perception system of the bottom layer of the production line as the basis, breaks through the dynamic perception ability of forming equipment in the fom血g process,collects the process data of each step in the production process and the dynamic parameters of the equipment in the forming process to form a process database, and establishes the traceability ability of the whole process of plastic forming with a single forging in series. The influence of process data generated during forging process on forming size was studied, and the quality analysis model for forging process was set up.A variety of algorithms were used to classify the data and opt血ize the hyperparameters of the model. The hyperparameters of the model with the highest accuracy were found out, the optimal model was built, and the process parameter interval of better fom血g was determined. The self-sensing and self-diagnosis ability of the press in the production process is studied and enhanced. The artificial intelligence method is used to realize the self-processing and self­classification of the data. By matching the characteristics ofreal-t血e data and classified data, the equipment state self-diagnosis of the location of key parts is realized. The basic framework of the digital twin system of the manufacturing process is studied, and the plastic forming process mechanism, equipment action mechanism model and three-d血ensional simulation technology are deeply integrated, so that the entire production process is fully mapped in the virtual space, so as to realize the continuous optimization of the production process and product quality.
Key words: Plastic fonning;Shape control;The whole process traceability;Quality control;Digital twin