



人工光合作用联合中心 加州理工学院


As the level of penetration for the renewable energy sources continues to rise, large-scale,long-term energy storage technologies that could time-shift the usage of the energy daily or seasonally starts to play a significant role in the overall development and deployment of renewable energies. One approach to compensate for the intermittency of sunlight on the surface of the earth is to store solar energy in the form of chemical bonds, i.e., in an artificial photosynthetic process.Development of efficient artificial photosynthesis devices requires materials discoveries as well as synthetic assembly these materials, including light absorbers, electrocatalysts, membrane separators and electrolytes. In this talk, I will first present a robust multiphysics, multi-dimensional device model that was used to guide the materials discovery,to define operational conditions and constraints and to optimize and explore novel device architectures for solar-driven water-splitting devices. Then, I will present high throughput synthesis and screening tools that were developed to search for new light absorbers and electrocatalysts materials for solar-fuel applications. Through themodeling guided prototype development and through the materials discovery efforts, the team was able to reach a critical milestone, and demonstrate and benchmark a range of stable and intrinsically safe solar-driven hydrogen generating devices with >10% conversion efficiency.

DOI: 10.12110/firstfmge.20171121.208

Brief Introduction of Speaker

博士是美国加州理工学院,人工光合作用联合中心的资深研究院和项目负责人之一。项博士于 2004 年毕业于中国科学技术大学获近代物理和管理科学双学士学位,随后赴美留学于 2009 年在加州大学获材料物理博士学位。项博士随后在加州理工学院从事博士后研究并于 2011 年加入人工光合作用联合中心并担任研究员职位。项博士在太阳能燃料电池等领域发表知名期刊论文 40余篇,被引用 1300 余次, H 因子为 20。该团队的工作成果工作成果多次受邀成为知名杂志包 Angewandte Chemie, Advanced Materials 和 Energy and EnvironmentalScience 的封面。同时多次受邀国际著名学术 Elsevier, Royal Society of Chemistry 等出版社出版关于太阳能燃料器件的章节,被邀参加 20 余场国际学术报告以及获取多项美国专利。项博士带领的原型器件制㐀 团队是国际首屈一指的构接学术于工业应用的研发型团队,近年来在太阳能燃料电池的安全性,稳定性和转换效率上创多项记录。