1-17、Integrated Computational Materials Engineering for aluminum alloys in Norway

Integrated Computational Materials Engineering for aluminum alloys in Norway

Qiang Du, SINTEF Materials and Chemistry, Oslo, Norway


Like any other major metallic structural alloys, aluminum alloys are under the constraint of ever decreasing product cost, multiple demands on formability, final mechanical properties, and corrosion properties etc. Norwegian aluminium industry and National Research Council have been addressing these challenges by continuously supporting the development of ICME modelling tools for many years, and they have seen great returns from their investments.

The focus of the talk is on the mathematical models developed in SINTEF Materials and Chemistry and some successful ICME case studies for Norwegian aluminum industries.  I will report some research projects on predicting the meso-scale microstructural evolution during the industrial casting/heat treatment of Al alloys. I will also illustrate how the model predictions on solidification path, the type and size distributions of intermetallic/hardening particles, Precipitate Free Zone, and metastable to stable phase transformation can be interpreted into the guidelines in industrial alloy design and processing parameters optimizations. The talk will be concluded with the statements on the future research trends.


Brief Introduction of Speaker


杜强博士一直致力于铝合金、钢铁、高温合金等高性能金属材料加工工程的微观组织模型开发与应用的研究工作。在金属材料合金成分及微观组织设计、集成计算等方面取得了重要进展。他在国际学术刊物上已经发表47篇文章,并有46次国际会议报告。作为唯一或主要开发者,开发了3个微观组织模拟软件,其中PROCAST-PFT凝固微观组织模拟软件已经被ESI公司商品化,另外两个软件Alstruc和PreciMS在欧美铝合金企业得到广泛应用。杜强博士现领导着挪威科学与工业研究院材料与化学研究所材料加工多尺度集成模拟的研究方向,完成了或正在承担着由挪威研究管理委员会(Norwegian Research Council) 、挪威海德鲁铝业公司(Hydro)、美国铝业(Alcoa)等机构资助的多个关于介观组织演化模型开发、计算机辅助合金及微观组织设计方面的科研项目。
