High-throughput First-principles Materials Informatics Platform: Thermoelectrics as an example
Zhang Wenqing
1Department of Physics, Southern University of Science & Technology, Shenzhen, China
2Materials Genome Institute, Shanghai University, Shanghai, China
High throughput screenings aim at speeding up high-performance materials discovery. Our team build up a high-throughput first-principles Materials Informatics Platform (MIP), designed for first-principles based materials research. The platform contains automated structure search, automated property calculations from the structural relaxation all the way to the evaluation of various physical properties, and following-up data-mining using the produced data. The MIP is designed to contain a package of accessible crystalline structure database with a large numbers of build-in structure prototypes and property simulation packages. The property simulation packages in development contain band structures, equation of states, elastic constants, thermoelectrics, and piezo/ferroelectrics, and linear/nonlinear optic properties etc.
This talk takes the high-throughput screening of thermoelectric (TE) as an example application. Earlier TE screening algorithms usually base on a simple constant relaxation time approximation for electrical transport. We have implemented a method to estimate the scattering terms in a more reliable method beyond the constant relaxation approximation, leading to more trustable materials property prediction. For each calculated entry with a sizable band gap, MIP provides the maximum power factors and the corresponding Seebeck coefficient and optimal carrier concentration. Fermi surfaces, as useful tools to analyze the band degeneracy, are also generated automatically. Procedure for data mining on the platform and connection with other MGI platforms will also be shortly discussed.
张文清,南方科技大学教授。国家杰出青年科学基金获得者,百千万人才工程国家级人选,美国物理学会会士(APS Fellow);先后获国家自然科学二等奖,上海自然科学一等奖。1992年中科院上海光机所博士;1998年至2003年先后在德国马普协会、美国Harvard大学和Princeton大学等单位访问学者。主要从事计算材料科学研究和材料设计,在电热输运、高性能热电材料和锂电池材料的微观设计与实现、及氧化物界面等方向取得了系列具有重要影响的成果。