1-4、Searching electrode material with vanishing Schottky barrier for Blue Phosphorene by high-throughput calculations

Searching electrode material with vanishing Schottky barrier for Blue Phosphorene by high-throughput calculations

Hefei Wang, Chen Si, Jian Zhou, Zhimei Sun*


An appropriate electrode material is crucial for two-dimensional (2D) semiconductors, where a vanishing Schottky barrier is ideal but is a great challenge. Here, using Blue phosphorene as an example, which is a promising 2D semiconductor for electronic and optoelectronic applications, we provide design role of searching optimal electrode materials with vanishing Schottky barrier within a family of 2D transition metal carbides (MXenes) based on high-throughput ab initio calculations.   Our results show that Zr-, Hf- and Nb-based MXenes are ideal electrode materials for BlueP based on extensive investigations of the electronic properties and interfacial Schottky barrier characteristics of BlueP/MXene heterojunctions. Yet the strong interaction between BlueP and bare MXenes destroy the semiconducting character of BlueP, and thus bare MXenes are not ideal contact electrodes. While with surface functionalization of MXene, the intrinsic electronic feature of BlueP is well preserved in the BlueP/surface-engineered MXene heterojunctions. Furthermore, the interfacial Schottky barriers of the heterojunctions are affected by the terminal surface groups on MXenes and vanishing Schottky barriers are achieved in some MXenes with the formula Zrn+1CnF2, Hfn+1CnF2, Zrn+1Cn(OH)2, Hfn+1Cn(OH)2 and Nbn+1Cn(OH)2. Finally, we demonstrate that the work functions of MXenes and the interface dipole induced by charge rearrangement are two underlying factors to determine the magnitude of Schottky barriers. This work provides fundamentals for selecting ideal electrode material for BlueP and is also benefit for optimizing electrodes for other 2D semiconductors.


Brief Introduction of Speaker

孙志梅简介:北京航空航天大学教授,北航集成计算材料科学中心主任。长期从事材料电子结构计算和分子动力学模拟的研究以及相关实验工作,在半导体材料和高性能陶瓷等体系的结构与性能研究中取得了显著成绩,在PRL、PNAS、JACS、Nano Letters、Phys. Rev. B、Appl. Phys. Lett.等期刊上发表SCI论文150余篇,论文曾被Nature作为Research Highlights进行评论和介绍,被Nature Materials在News & Views栏目进行介绍、被Science、Nature Mater.、JACS、PRL、PNAS等SCI期刊引用3700余次;授权7项国家发明专利。获得国家杰出青年科学基金,入选教育部“长江学者奖励计划”特聘教授、国家百千万人才工程、国家“万人计划”领军人才等。